The Story and Passion behind Olayo Coffee

At The Coffee City, we are excited to share the inspiring story of one of our beloved coffee suppliers - Olayo Coffee. This company not only offers high quality coffee, but also has a rich family tradition and a commitment to sustainability and fair trade.

The Origin of Olayo Coffee

Olayo Coffee was born in 2011, thanks to Julio Olayo's passion for continuing the family coffee tradition. Julio is the third generation of coffee growers in Antigua Guatemala, a heritage that began with his maternal grandfather, Antonio Pereira, in the 1950s. Antonio started coffee plantations in the Antigua region and, in 1975, expanded his crops to Aldea El Rodeo, Escuintla.

The farm, known as Finca La Chucita, was managed by Silvia Pereira, Julio's mother, for 15 years. However, due to the world coffee price crisis of 1989 and 1990, the family was forced to sell the farm in 1994.

The Resurgence of a Passion

Despite the challenges, Julio, the youngest of seven siblings, was inspired by his parents to start Olayo Coffee. In 2012, the company started as a coffee trader, buying ripe coffee from small farmers and selling it for processing. In 2013, Julio decided to process the coffee himself, an arduous but learning-filled task.

Marketing coffee for export only lasts six months, so in 2014, Julio ventured into the domestic roasted coffee market. In August 2020, he acquired a coffee roaster, initiating roasting operations. In February 2021, Julio and his sister Evelyn founded Agroindustrial Olayo Sociedad Anónima, consolidating the coffee operations in the Olayo Pereira family.

Commitment to Quality and Sustainability

Today, Olayo Coffee is dedicated to buying ripe coffee from small producers, processing it through washed and natural processes, roasting it and selling it in Guatemala, the United States and Europe. All of the roasted coffee they sell is sustainable, high quality and traceable, guaranteeing fair prices and a positive impact on the entire supply chain.

At Olayo Coffee, they believe in a win-win business model, from producers to consumers. Each cup of coffee represents the effort and dedication of hard working hands that every day strive to cultivate the best coffee.

A Heartfelt Thank You

At The Coffee City, we are proud to work with Olayo Coffee. We appreciate your trust, preference and recommendation. We share the same passion for coffee and are happy to offer you a selection of exceptional beans, the result of years of tradition and commitment.

Explore our selection of Olayo Coffee in and discover the flavor and the story behind each cup.

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